Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Real/Fake Princess: Vol. 2

by I-Huan

At the chaotic end of the Northern Song dynasty, a young Princess Yi Fu was entrusted to the care of Hui Tang and taken south for safety. Ten years later, Hui Tang seeks out Zhong Lu Wu, the emperor's seeker, to help the princess restore her title. After much travail, Zhong Lu find himself in love with Zhi Li.... Zhi Li's impression of Zhong Lu has changed for the better, but she is still in love with Hui. Yet, when she hears that Dai Xuan and Zhong Lu are lovers, she fall into depression....

The story continues to be interesting. It appears that Zhong Lu's position as a seeker is somewhat of a joke. As the emperor has to pay tribute based on the number of royals, it's unlikely that he would want to increase that number.

Zhi Li is still very much in love with Hui, though I wonder if it's because he is what she knows, he is comfortable for her. Yet at the same time, she acts jealous when she finds out that Zhong Lu has a lover, which indicates that she may have feelings for him. Likewise, Zhong Lu continues to find himself thinking about Zhi Li, and it's clear he has feelings for her, too.

As for Zhi Li becoming the princess, the official who was sent to check her out was rude, so they kicked him out. I wonder if this is the last we'll hear from him....

Finally one thing, this volume has a lot of typos in it, and even one panel doesn't have any text. It's fixed in and errata in the next book, but it is quite annoying at times. I don't hold it against the book, but it's rather unfortunate.

Final thought: I'll read the next book.

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