Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Queen's Knight: Vol. 1

by Kim Kang Won

Synopsis(from the back of the book)
During summer vacation to visit her mother in Germany, 15-year-old Yuna Lee falls off a cliff and is rescued by Rieno, an 18-year-old knight living in the magical land of Phantasma. He makes a deal with Yuna that if he saves her life, she must marry him and become his queen. Indebted to her knight in shining armor, Yuna is torn between her family and friends back home and life as Phantasma's Queen!

Ugh, the synopsis is a bunch of lies. The series may be about that, but not this volume. Mostly this volume consists of a whiny girl who has trials and tribulations while going to high school. It may as well be a high-school drama, as the queen and knight thing only show up very rarely.

There's nothing to like about the heroine, in fact I found myself disliking her. She's a typical high-school girl: gets mad at the drop of a hat, punches anything that irritates her, not well-developed, has no redeeming qualities, nothing. I found myself wondering why a stupid girl like her would be chosen as a queen. Who would want her?

I couldn't stand reading this book. I was bored out of my mind. I don't care what happens next, even though it looks like the next book might actually have more of Phantasma in it.

Final thought: It's not interesting enough to continue.

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