Saturday, November 1, 2008

Introduction to this blog

I've decided after long last to write reviews. I've seen and read a lot of things, so I hope that I can help people find good things, especially manga, to read.

I may not always post about manga, but I'll try.

Of course, no reviewer can have the exact same opinion as you, because I'll probably like different things than you. Personally, romance is my favorite genre, but I really like anything with a good story. I don't like cliches, moe, goofy comedy, or contrived situations, so take my reviews with this in mind.

Finally, about the "obscurity." There's always reviews for common and well-liked manga, and I'm tired of seeing obscure manga getting passed over, especially because some of it is really good. So don't expect to see popular things here very often.

Let's read some manga!

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